[Idiom] WIPE THE SLATE CLEAN. - Begin A New Chapter in Life

Wipe the slate clean.

Wipe the slate clean.

/waɪp ðə sleɪt kliːn/

Start afresh.

Wiping the slate clean" refers to starting over with a fresh approach or perspective, free from past mistakes or grievances. This idiom comes from the days when slates were used for writing, and they could be cleaned by wiping them off, thus removing all traces of previous work. It suggests a willingness to forgive, forget, and move forward without letting past actions hold back future opportunities. This mindset can be particularly empowering in personal growth and relationships.

Example Sentences

  1. Let's wipe the slate clean and start fresh.

    They decided to forget past mistakes or disagreements and start over with a clean state of affairs.

  2. We decided to wipe the slate clean and forgive each other.

    They chose to forgive each other's past grievances and move forward without any resentments.

  3. After their argument, they agreed to wipe the slate clean and work on their relationship.

    They resolved their previous disagreements and chose to collaborate positively in their relationship without holding grudges.

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