[Idiom] PAY THROUGH THE NOSE. - Avoid Overpaying: Smart Spending Tips

Pay through the nose.

Pay through the nose.

/peɪ θruː ðə nəʊz/

Pay excessively.

The idiom "pay through the nose" means to pay an excessive price for something. While the exact origin is unclear, it is believed to relate to old Danish poll taxes collected under the threat of having one's nose slit for non-payment. This expression is commonly used to describe situations where individuals feel they have paid far too much for goods or services, emphasizing the importance of value and fair pricing.

Example Sentences

  1. We had to pay through the nose for those tickets.

    The first sample shows that attending an event resulted in a very high expense.

  2. You'll pay through the nose if you shop there.

    The second sample warns of high prices at a particular shopping venue.

  3. During the holiday season, many people end up paying through the nose for last-minute gifts.

    The third sample describes how people often overspend significantly during the festive season due to urgency.

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