[Idiom] DROP LIKE FLIES. - Understanding Phrases Describing Mass Impact

Drop like flies.

Drop like flies.

/drɒp laɪk flaɪz/

To collapse or die in large numbers.

The phrase "drop like flies" is used to describe multiple people or things falling ill, fainting, dying, or ceasing to function, all in rapid succession. This striking visual can be attributed to the way flies, often weak or swarming insects, succumb en masse to pesticides or natural causes. The idiom is employed in scenarios of widespread collapse or failure, painting a clear picture of magnitude.

Example Sentences

  1. The players started to drop like flies in the intense heat.

    The players were succumbing to the heat and were unable to continue their game.

  2. Guests at the party were dropping like flies after eating the spoiled food.

    After consuming contaminated food, many guests started to feel ill suddenly.

  3. In the grueling marathon, competitors began to drop like flies due to the extreme conditions.

    Many competitors were unable to withstand the tough conditions of the marathon, leading to numerous dropouts.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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