[Idiom] TAKE THINGS IN STRIDE. - Mastering Calmness in Challenging Times

Take things in stride.

Take things in stride.

Handle situations calmly.

Take things in stride" refers to dealing with problems or setbacks calmly without getting upset or frustrated. It suggests a level of maturity and resilience, allowing a person to continue moving forward despite difficulties. This idiom encourages embracing challenges without allowing them to disrupt one’s balance or peace of mind.

Example Sentences

  1. Despite the challenges, she takes things in stride.

    It means handling challenges with a calm and composed attitude.

  2. He takes things in stride no matter how tough they get.

    It indicates he remains composed no matter how tough situations get.

  3. When problems arise, it's best to take things in stride and keep moving forward.

    It suggests dealing with problems calmly and continuing to move forward.

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