Caught in the middle.
trapped between two sides
The idiom 'caught in the middle' describes being in a situation where you are stuck between two opposing parties or opinions, often feeling pressure or stress from both sides. Picture a scenario where two of your close friends are arguing, and each wants you to support their side. Being 'caught in the middle' means you're pulled in both directions, struggling to maintain neutrality or make a choice without offending the other. This expression can apply to various situations, such as family disputes, workplace conflicts, or even political debates, making it a highly relatable and widely utilized phrase.
Example Sentences
As the mediator, I felt caught in the middle of their argument.
As the mediator, I felt stuck between their argument.
She often felt caught in the middle between her parents during their fights.
She often felt stuck between her parents during their arguments.
Being a team leader sometimes means getting caught in the middle of disputes.
Being a team leader sometimes means being stuck between disputes.