[Idiom] THROW CAUTION TO THE WIND. - Unlocking the Thrill of Spontaneity

Throw caution to the wind.

Throw caution to the wind.

/θroʊ ˈkɔːʃən tuː ðə wɪnd/

To be reckless.

To "throw caution to the wind" is to act recklessly or without regard for the consequences. Imagine deciding to invest a large sum of money in a highly speculative stock; doing so would be throwing caution to the wind. This idiom captures moments of unbridled enthusiasm or passion where caution is set aside, often leading to unexpected adventures or, sometimes, harsh consequences. It’s a call to embrace more adventurous paths, albeit with an awareness of the potential risks.

Example Sentences

  1. He threw caution to the wind and quit his job.

    He acted impulsively, disregarding any risks or repercussions, by resigning from his job.

  2. She threw caution to the wind and moved abroad.

    She made a daring decision to relocate overseas without much precaution.

  3. In a moment of madness, they threw caution to the wind and bungee jumped off the bridge.

    They spontaneously and recklessly decided to try bungee jumping from a bridge.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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