Throw caution to the wind.
/θroʊ ˈkɔːʃən tuː ðə wɪnd/
Throw caution to the wind.
/θroʊ ˈkɔːʃən tuː ðə wɪnd/
「Throw caution to the wind」是指在行動時不顧可能的風險或後果,大膽前行。這個成語用於描述在需要大膽決策或行動時放棄過度謹慎的時刻。例如,在創業或進行重大生活變革時,一個人可能會選擇「Throw caution to the wind」,以追求夢想。這個成語鼓勵我們在面對生活的重大機會時,有時需要勇於放手一搏。
He threw caution to the wind and quit his job.
She threw caution to the wind and moved abroad.
In a moment of madness, they threw caution to the wind and bungee jumped off the bridge.