[Slang] WHAT A DRAG. - Learn Expressions for Describing Dull or Annoying Situations

What a drag.

What a drag.

/wʌt ə dræɡ/

how boring or annoying

What a drag" is used to describe a situation that is tedious, boring, or otherwise frustrating. This expression conveys a sense of disappointment and is perfect for casually communicating your dissatisfaction. Whether you're stuck in traffic, attending a boring meeting, or dealing with any uneventful scenario, saying "What a drag" can succinctly express your feelings. Using this phrase correctly enhances your ability to share your experiences and connect with others who might feel the same way.

Example Sentences

  1. This paperwork is what a drag.

    Doing this paperwork is really boring and tiresome.

  2. Studying all weekend, what a drag!

    Having to study all weekend is boring and exhausting.

  3. I can't believe I have to clean the garage, what a drag.

    Cleaning the garage is an unpleasant and tedious task.

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