[Slang] WHAT A STEAL! - How to Talk About Great Deals in English

What a steal!

What a steal!

/wɒt ə stil/

An extremely good deal.

'What a steal!' is an exclamation used to describe a situation where something of value is obtained at a very low price. This phrase conveys enthusiasm and satisfaction with the deal. It's commonly used in shopping contexts or when discussing bargains. This slang is handy for those looking to blend in with native speakers, especially in casual conversations about shopping or finance, where expressing excitement over a good deal can be relatable and engaging.

Example Sentences

  1. This jacket was only ten dollars; what a steal!

    The jacket was purchased at an incredibly low price, indicating a great deal.

  2. You got that car for such a low price? What a steal!

    The car was obtained at an exceptionally affordable price, highlighting a great bargain.

  3. They're selling high-quality bikes at half price; it's definitely a steal.

    Quality bikes are being sold for half their usual price, making it an excellent deal.

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