[Slang] MY BAD. - How to Apologize Casually and Sincerely!

My bad.

My bad.

/maɪ bæd/

Admission of a mistake.

My bad" is a succinct way of acknowledging a mistake or taking responsibility for a minor error. It's a casual apology and is often used among friends or in informal situations where the stakes are not particularly high. Using "my bad" shows that you can admit faults without making a big deal about it, promoting a relaxed and cooperative environment. This phrase is particularly useful in social situations where maintaining harmony is more important than addressing the mistake in detail.

Example Sentences

  1. Sorry, my bad. I should have checked first.

    The speaker is admitting a mistake by acknowledging that they should have verified something beforehand.

  2. My bad, I forgot to give you the keys.

    An apology is being offered for forgetting to hand over the keys, accepting fault.

  3. I mixed up the dates, my bad. Let's reschedule.

    There's an admission of error in confusing the dates for an event, with a suggestion to fix the mistake by rescheduling.

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