[Slang] BEAT AROUND THE BUSH. - Unpack Phrases for Indirectness

Beat around the bush.

Beat around the bush.

Avoid being direct.

Beat around the bush" is to avoid the main point by talking about less important details. This phrase is used when someone does not want to address something directly due to hesitation or discomfort. If someone asks a tricky question and you start talking about everything else, you’re beating around the bush.

Example Sentences

  1. Stop beating around the bush and tell me what happened.

    Stop avoiding the main topic and tell me what happened.

  2. He always beats around the bush; it's hard to get a straight answer from him.

    He always avoids the main point, making it hard to get a straight answer from him.

  3. Instead of beating around the bush, please be direct and explain why the project is delayed.

    Please be direct and explain why the project is delayed instead of avoiding the issue.

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