[Slang] THROW IN THE TOWEL. - Why Giving Up Is Sometimes the Best Choice

Throw in the towel.

Throw in the towel.

/θroʊ ɪn ðə ˈtaʊəl/

Give up

To "Throw in the towel" means to give up or concede defeat. This phrase originates from boxing, where a trainer throws a towel into the ring to stop the fight, signaling that the contestant cannot continue. In everyday English, using this phrase can be a strategic or emotional acknowledgment that continuing an endeavor is unwise or futile. It's a powerful expression that can convey a realistic or pragmatic decision to cease efforts.

Example Sentences

  1. He's so frustrated, he might as well throw in the towel.

    Frustration leading to considering giving up.

  2. Don't just quit now; never throw in the towel!

    Encouragement to never quit despite frustration.

  3. Regardless of the challenges, our team is committed to not throw in the towel and push through.

    Determination to push through and not give up despite challenges.

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