[Slang] ON THE FRITZ. - Learn Phrases for Malfunctioning Items

On the fritz.

On the fritz.

Not working properly.

On the fritz" means that something is not working properly. It’s often used for electronics or machines, implying a state of disrepair or dysfunction. If your laptop keeps freezing or your toaster stops working, you might say, "It looks like it’s on the fritz again.

Example Sentences

  1. My fridge is on the fritz again, keeps making weird noises.

    My fridge is malfunctioning again and making weird noises.

  2. Can't watch the game, my TV went on the fritz right before it started.

    Can't watch the game because my TV broke right before it started.

  3. I don't think I'll be getting any work done today, my computer is on the fritz and keeps crashing.

    I can't get any work done today because my computer is malfunctioning and keeps crashing.

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