[Slang] THAT'S GNARLY. - Experience the Extreme: Understanding "That's Gnarly

That's gnarly.

That's gnarly.

/ðæts ˈnɑrli/

Something extreme or intense.

That's gnarly" originally comes from surf culture, where it described particularly rough or dangerous waves. Now, it broadly signifies anything that's extreme, intense, or impressively difficult. It can refer to both positive and negative situations. This slang appeals especially to those who relish thrilling or challenging experiences. By using "that's gnarly," you can communicate a sense of awe or respect for situations that are impressively formidable or remarkably intricate.

Example Sentences

  1. Dude, that wave was totally gnarly!

    The speaker is impressed and excited by the impressive size or difficulty of a wave.

  2. Have you seen his new skateboard? That’s gnarly, man!

    The new skateboard is impressive and cool, causing excitement.

  3. I can’t believe he tried that gnarly stunt on his bike yesterday!

    The stunt performed was extreme and impressive, surprising the viewer.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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