Grab bull by the horns.
/ɡræb bʊl baɪ ðə hɔːrnz/
Grab bull by the horns.
/ɡræb bʊl baɪ ðə hɔːrnz/
「Grab bull by the horns」は、文字通りには「雄牛の角を掴む」という意味ですが、これは困難や挑戦に直接的かつ積極的に取り組む様子を表すイディオムです。何か難しい状況や問題が起こった時、それを避けずに勇敢に立ち向かう勇気を持つことが大切だと教えてくれますね。
He decided to grab the bull by the horns and confront his boss.
She grabbed the bull by the horns and started her own business.
Taking a proactive approach, he grabbed the bull by the horns, tackling the project's challenges head-on.