Let the dust settle.
Let the dust settle.
“Let the dust settle”用来形容在经历了混乱或重大事件之后,等待事情逐渐平静下来的情况。这个习语来源于现实场景,当风尘扬起后,人们需要等待尘埃落定才能看清周围的环境。在商业决策或个人关系的冲突之后,使用这个习语可以建议他人暂时不要做出决定,而是应该等到更清楚事实和情综合况再行动。例如,在公司经历重大重组后,可能需要“let the dust settle”以确定新的工作动向。
We'll make a decision once the dust settles.
After their heated argument, they decided to let the dust settle before discussing the issue again.
They opted to delay the meeting for a few days to let the dust settle and allow emotions to cool down.