Run circles around someone.
Run circles around someone.
當我哋講「Run circles around someone」時,我哋指嘅係一個人喺能力或表現上遠遠超過另一個人。想像一下,喺一個賽跑中,如果有一個運動員不單止超前對手,仲可以圍住對方跑幾圈,咁就好似呢個成語所描述嘅情況。喺日常生活中,無論係職場定係學業上,如果你發現自己喺某個範疇「Run circles around」你嘅同事或同學,咁即係你嘅技能同效率都顯著高出佢哋。喺向上司報告工作表現時,你可以用呢個成語來展示你嘅突出表現。
In the debate competition, she ran circles around her opponent, presenting arguments he couldn't counter.
This new software runs circles around the old one, processing data at twice the speed.
He is so advanced in mathematics, he simply runs circles around his classmates during discussions.