Hard pill to swallow.
Hard pill to swallow.
喺難以接受或者難以下嚥嘅情況時,香港人可能會形容為「難啖嘅藥丸」。喺英文裏頭嘅諺語「Hard pill to swallow」同此含義相似,意指接受一啲令人不愉快或困難嘅事實。無論係工作失敗、感情破裂,或者其他生活上嘅挫折,都可能成為難以接受嘅「藥丸」。例如,當你得知自己長時間嘅努力最終未能如願以償,這種情況就好似一粒難吞嘅藥丸。面對這些不愉快嘅事實,最重要嘅係保持正面嘅態度,學習從中吸取教訓,並繼續向前看。咁樣,我哋就可以更加堅強,更好地處理將來可能面臨嘅其他困難。
It was a hard pill to swallow when she learned she didn't get the promotion.
Realizing that I was wrong was a hard pill to swallow.
After the election results, it was a hard pill to swallow for many supporters that their candidate had lost.