Half a mind to do something.
Half a mind to do something.
喺香港,我哋會用「半桶水」來形容一個人知識或技能唔係好全面。佢嘅英文等同於「Half a mind to do something」,即係說一個人如果做一件事情時心不在焉,可能會做得唔好。例如,你要準備一場重要嘅演講,但係如果你只係懷著半心半意嘅態度去準備,觀眾很快就會察覺到你嘅不認真,這樣不僅會影響你嘅表現,亦可能會影響到你嘅職業生涯。因此,進行任何事情,都應該全心全意,非常認真地去對待,咁樣才能達到最好嘅效果同埋得到他人嘅尊重同認可。用心嘅態度,終將帶來好處。
I've got half a mind to call him and cancel our plans.
She had half a mind to skip the meeting and go see a movie instead.
Tom told me he had half a context to confront his brother about the money issue, but he changed his mind last minute.