[Idiom] HALF A MIND TO DO SOMETHING. - Discover Expressions for Indecision

Half a mind to do something.

Half a mind to do something.

Considering doing something but not fully committed.

When you hear someone say they've got "half a mind to do something," it implies they are contemplating a particular action but haven't fully decided yet. This expression captures a moment of hesitation, where the speaker is torn between going ahead with the action or abandoning the idea. It's useful for expressing a mix of indecision and slight inclination towards doing something but without a firm resolve.

Example Sentences

  1. I've got half a mind to call him and cancel our plans.

    The speaker is strongly considering calling and canceling plans but has not fully decided.

  2. She had half a mind to skip the meeting and go see a movie instead.

    She is seriously thinking about skipping the meeting to watch a movie, although she hasn't decided yet.

  3. Tom told me he had half a context to confront his brother about the money issue, but he changed his mind last minute.

    Tom thought about confronting his brother over a money issue but ultimately decided against it.

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