Grab bull by the horns.
/ɡræb bʊl baɪ ðə hɔːrnz/
Grab bull by the horns.
/ɡræb bʊl baɪ ðə hɔːrnz/
當我們講到「Grab the bull by the horns」呢個英文成語嘅時候,其實係指喺面對困難或挑戰時,我哋應該要勇敢咁去解決,而唔係逃避。喺古代西班牙,鬥牛士會試圖直接抓住公牛嘅角來控制佢,這個動作顯示了極大嘅勇氣同埋控制力。用呢個成語來比喻,就係話我哋喺生活中遇到大難題或者大挑戰時,不要退縮,而要像鬛牛士咁,直接面對問題,掌控情況。例如,喺職場上,或許你會面對困難嘅項目或嚴峻嘅挑戰,「Grab the bull by the horns」就係提醒我哋要積極主動去解決問題,而唔係等待問題自己消失。記住,每當你選擇面對困難,你其實已經邁出了成長同學習的一大步。
He decided to grab the bull by the horns and confront his boss.
She grabbed the bull by the horns and started her own business.
Taking a proactive approach, he grabbed the bull by the horns, tackling the project's challenges head-on.