Show true colors.
Show true colors.
「Show true colors」意指在特定情況下展現出一個人的真實性格或意圖。這通常發生在壓力或緊張的情況下,人們無法再偽裝自己,真實的面貌就會露出來。例如,一個平時看似和藹的人,在極度壓力下可能顯露出暴躁的一面,這就是他的「true colors」。在廣東話中,我們會說「露出底牌」或「真面目露骨」。這個成語提醒我們在評估他人時需要觀察他們在不同情況下的反應,真正了解他們的人品和性格。
He showed his true colors when he refused to help his friend in need.
Initially, she seemed cooperative, but she showed her true colors when she began undermining her teammates.
During the crisis, the leader showed his true colors by stepping up and making tough decisions that benefited everyone.
喺危機期間, 呢位領袖挺身而出,作出有益於大家嘅艱難決定,顯示出真實的本質。