Keep the wolf from the door.
Keep the wolf from the door.
「Keep the wolf from the door」這個成語表示做足準備或採取措施以避免貧窮或災難。其形象來自於古老時期,人們須防範狼入侵住所。在當代,這通常指通過維持基本的生活條件和財務安全來避免窮困或危機。例如,一個人可能通過節約開支或投資於安全的金融產品來「防範困境」,確保在經濟不穩定時仍能維持生活。
They struggled to keep the wolf from the door.
With the recession, many families are working hard to keep the wolf from the door.
Despite numerous difficulties, she managed to keep the wolf from the door through her small business.