Don’t beat around the bush.
Don’t beat around the bush.
「Don’t beat around the bush.」在台灣傳統中文中的意思是「不要拐彎抹角」。這個成語用來教導我們應該直截了當地表達自己的想法或需求,不需要繞圈子或說些與主題無關的話。在日常生活中,如果你希望別人清楚了解你的意圖,就應該使用這個成語來提醒自己和別人直接說明重點。這不僅可以節省時間,還能增加溝通的效率。例如,如果你的朋友在討論時總是說些不重要的事,你就可以提醒他「不要繞彎子」,直接講重點。
Please don't beat around the bush; tell me what you really think.
The manager told the team not to beat around the bush and get straight to the point.
When asked about the project, he didn't beat around the bush and gave a blunt answer.