[Idiom] THROW UNDER THE BUS. - How Not to Throw Someone Under the Bus: Building Trust in Teams

Throw under the bus.

Throw under the bus.

Betray someone to save oneself.

To "throw someone under the bus" means to betray them in order to save oneself from a difficult situation. It paints a graphic picture of metaphorically pushing someone into harm’s way to avoid trouble oneself, highlighting issues of loyalty and self-preservation.

Example Sentences

  1. He didn't hesitate to throw his partner under the bus to save his own job.

    He betrayed his partner to save his own job.

  2. In the meeting, she threw us under the bus to cover her mistakes.

    She blamed us in the meeting to cover her own mistakes.

  3. Tom threw his co-workers under the bus during the audit to avoid any blame.

    Tom blamed his co-workers during the audit to avoid getting into trouble.

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