[Idiom] RUN OUT OF STEAM. - Stay Energized: Avoid Losing Momentum!

Run out of steam.

Run out of steam.

/rʌn aʊt ʌv stiːm/

Lose energy or interest.

Run out of steam" metaphorically describes losing the energy or motivation to continue with an activity, much like a steam engine running out of steam and gradually coming to a halt. This idiom is helpful in discussing productivity, personal energy management, and motivation, providing a vivid way to talk about the natural decline in energy after prolonged effort. It encourages seeking sustainable practices to maintain momentum in various aspects of life.

Example Sentences

  1. The team ran out of steam in the second half.

    The team lost their energy or motivation in the latter part of the game.

  2. I'm running out of steam with this project.

    I am losing motivation and energy to continue working on this project.

  3. After working all day, he finally ran out of steam and took a break.

    After a full day of work, he became too tired to continue and decided to rest.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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