Clip wings.
Restrict freedom.
The phrase "Clip wings" might make you think of a poor bird unable to fly, and that’s exactly the intended imagery. It means to restrict someone’s freedom or limit their abilities. Originally referring to the practice of cutting the feathers of birds to keep them from flying, this idiom is now a metaphor for imposing restrictions that prevent someone from acting freely or fully.
Example Sentences
Her parents clipped her wings by restricting her internet use. (hɜr ˈpɛrənts klɪpt hɜr wɪŋz baɪ rɪˈstrɪktɪŋ hɜr ˈɪntərnɛt jus.)
Her parents limited her freedom by restricting internet access.
The new regulations clipped the company's wings, limiting their growth opportunities. (ðə nʲu ˈrɛgjəˌleɪʃənz klɪpt ðə ˈkʌmpəniz wɪŋz, ˈlɪmɪtɪŋ ðɛər groʊθ ˌɑpərˈtunɪtiz.)
The new regulations restricted the company's opportunities for growth.
By not allowing employees to work from home, the firm essentially clipped their wings. (baɪ nɑt əˈlaʊɪŋ ɪmˈploʊiz tu wɜrk frʌm hoʊm, ðə fɜrm ɪˈsɛnʃəli klɪpt ðɛər wɪŋz.)
By prohibiting work from home, the company limited its employees' flexibility.