[Idiom] PUSH BUTTONS. - Master the Art of Influence and Reaction

Push buttons.

Push buttons.

/pʊʃ ˈbʌtənz/

To provoke a reaction.

Push buttons" is an idiom that describes the act of triggering a strong emotional response from someone, often intentionally. This phrase likely originated from the literal action of pushing a button to get a mechanical or electronic response. In human interactions, knowing which 'buttons to push' means understanding what makes another person react in a certain way—useful in negotiations, conflict resolution, and even in personal relationships. Learning about this idiom can provide insights into emotional intelligence and effective communication.

Example Sentences

  1. Don't push my buttons.

    The first sample warns someone against doing things that anger or annoy the speaker.

  2. She knows exactly how to push his buttons.

    The second sample notes that she knows exactly what to do to provoke or irritate him.

  3. Every time they talk, he seems to find a way to push her buttons and start an argument.

    The third sample points out that their interactions frequently end up in provocation and arguments.

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