Give someone the cold shoulder.
to ignore or avoid someone.
The idiom 'give someone the cold shoulder' paints a vivid picture of someone turning their back slightly or delivering a chilly demeanor towards another. This behavior is often adopted to subtly convey disinterest or displeasure without verbal confrontation. Historically, this term finds its roots in medieval England, where a cold piece of meat, typically a shoulder cut, was given to unwanted guests as a not-so-subtle signal that they should leave. Today, using this phrase helps describe scenarios, such as social gatherings or relationships, where an individual intentionally snubs another.
Example Sentences
They gave him the cold shoulder.
They ignored him.
After the argument, she gave him the cold shoulder.
She ignored him after their argument.
The staff gave the new manager the cold shoulder because of his strict rules.
The staff ignored the new manager because of his strict rules.