[Idiom] COUCH POTATO. - Discover the Origin of Being Inactive!

Couch potato.

Couch potato.

/kʌʊtʃ pəˈteɪ.təʊ/

A very lazy person.

The term "Couch potato" humorously refers to someone who spends a lot of time sitting or lying on a couch, usually watching television, with little to no interest in exercising. This idiom plays on the image of a potato shapelessly lying on a sofa, emphasizing sedentary and lazy behavior.

Example Sentences

  1. Stop being such a couch potato and get some exercise.

    The person is encouraged to stop being lazy and inactive, and to engage in some physical activities.

  2. He turned into a couch potato during the lockdown.

    The individual became very lazy, inactive, and spent a lot of time sitting down and watching TV during the lockdown period.

  3. Ever since he started watching the new TV series, he’s been nothing but a couch potato.

    Since discovering a new TV series, he has been excessively sedentary and focused solely on watching TV.

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