[Idiom] WENT DOWN THE DRAIN. - How to Avoid Wasting Your Efforts

Went down the drain.

Went down the drain.

/wɛnt daʊn ðə dreɪn/

Wasted or lost.

Something that "Went down the drain" can refer to efforts, money, or time that has been wasted or lost, often irretrievably. This idiom paints a vivid picture of something going down the literal drain, signifying loss and futility. It's a useful expression when discussing projects, investments, or efforts that did not pan out as expected, offering a strong visual reminder of the importance of resource management and strategic planning.

Example Sentences

  1. All his efforts went down the drain.

    All his efforts were wasted.

  2. The project went down the drain after the funding was cut.

    The project failed after losing financial support.

  3. Thousands of dollars in repairs went down the drain when the car was totaled.

    The money spent on car repairs was wasted due to the car being irreparably damaged.

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