[Idiom] TIP OF THE ICEBERG. - Discover the Hidden Depths of Everyday Situations

Tip of the iceberg.

Tip of the iceberg.

/tɪp əv ðə ˈaɪsˌbɜːrɡ/

Only a small part of a much larger problem.

The "tip of the iceberg" metaphorically refers to a small, visible part of a much larger and hidden issue, just as only the tip of an actual iceberg is visible above water. For instance, if a company is having difficulty delivering projects on time, the apparent issues like missed deadlines might just be the "tip of the iceberg." Underlying problems could include poor management or inadequate staffing, indicating deeper and more complex issues.

Example Sentences

  1. That problem is just the tip of the iceberg.

    This problem is a small visible indication of a much larger and more complex issue.

  2. What you see is only the tip of the iceberg.

    What is apparent or visible is only a small part of a much larger situation.

  3. The issues we are facing now are just the tip of the iceberg compared to what's coming.

    The current challenges are minor compared to the greater problems that are expected to arise.

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