[Idiom] DROP A DIME. - Discussing Expressions for Reporting Misdeeds

Drop a dime.

Drop a dime.

Inform on someone.

'Drop a dime' is a slang phrase that historically refers to dropping a dime into a payphone to call the police or authorities on someone. Today, it generally means to inform on someone's wrongdoing or illegal activities. The phrase encapsulates the act of betrayal or whistle-blowing in a vivid, albeit outdated, technological reference.

Example Sentences

  1. He decided to drop a dime on the crime happening in his neighborhood.

    He decided to inform the authorities about the crime in his neighborhood.

  2. Someone dropped a dime on the illegal activities, leading to multiple arrests.

    Someone reported the illegal activities, leading to several arrests.

  3. After much hesitation, she dropped a dime and informed the authorities.

    After a lot of hesitation, she informed the authorities.

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