[Idiom] UP IN THE AIR. - How to Deal with Uncertainty in Life

Up in the air.

Up in the air.

/ʌp ɪn ðə ɛər/

Uncertain or unresolved.

When something is "up in the air," it means that it is uncertain or unresolved. The expression conjures an image of objects being tossed upward, not knowing where or how they will fall. This state of uncertainty can apply to decisions, plans, or negotiations that have not yet reached a conclusion. In a world where certainty is valued and sought after, learning to navigate and accept uncertainty can reduce anxiety and help individuals and organizations to remain flexible and open to new opportunities.

Example Sentences

  1. The plans for the trip are still up in the air.

    This points to the uncertainty or indefinite status of travel plans.

  2. Our decision is up in the air until we get more information.

    Here, it indicates that a decision has not yet been made due to insufficient information.

  3. Everything is up in the air; we don't know what will happen next.

    This implies a general state of uncertainty and unpredictability about future events.

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