[Idiom] HOLD YOUR FIRE. - Strategies for Pausing Hostility and Aggression

Hold your fire.

Hold your fire.

pause hostility

The command to 'Hold your fire' comes from military practice, asking for a cease-fire or pause in shooting. Metaphorically, it's used to request someone to stop their aggressive or hostile actions, perhaps during an argument or heated debate, promoting a moment of calm to reassess the situation.

Example Sentences

  1. Hold your fire; let's discuss this calmly.

    Hold off aggressive actions and let's discuss this calmly.

  2. The general ordered his troops to hold their fire until further notice.

    The general told his troops to hold off on firing until further notice.

  3. Hold your fire until we've gathered all the facts.

    Hold off on taking action until we have all the information.

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