[Idiom] WASH HANDS OF. - Learn Why Detachment is Key in Problem Solving

Wash hands of.

Wash hands of.

/wɒʃ hændz ʌv/

To refuse further involvement.

The idiom "Wash hands of" is a vivid expression used to indicate that someone is distancing themselves from responsibility or involvement in a situation. The phrase has its origins in historical practices where literally washing one's hands served as a symbolic act of purity and disassociation. By using this idiom, a person is essentially saying they want no further connection or dealing with a matter, similar to Pontius Pilate in the biblical account, who washed his hands to show that he would not take responsibility for the execution of Jesus Christ. It's often used in situations where a person feels they have done all that was possible and chooses to step back, allowing others to take over or letting events unfold without their interference.

Example Sentences

  1. I've washed my hands of the whole affair; it's no longer my concern.

    The person is completely disassociating themselves from the situation, indicating it's no longer of any concern to them.

  2. She washed her hands of the dysfunctional committee, resigning last month.

    She has left the committee due to its ongoing issues and no longer wants to be involved.

  3. After years of trying to help, he finally washed his hands of his brother's problems.

    After trying to assist for many years, he has decided to discontinue his involvement in his brother's issues.

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