[Idiom] WEAR HEART ON SLEEVE. - Learn How to Express Your Feelings Freely

Wear heart on sleeve.

Wear heart on sleeve.

/wɛr hɑrt ɒn sliːv/

Show emotions openly.

To "wear your heart on your sleeve" is to openly display your innermost emotions to others. This idiom originates from the Middle Ages when knights would wear the colors of the lady they represented in tournaments, literally wearing their affections on their sleeves. Today, it refers to the act of being transparent with your feelings, making it clear how you feel about things without hiding your true emotions. This can be a sign of honesty and vulnerability, attracting genuine interpersonal connections.

Example Sentences

  1. He wears his heart on his sleeve.

    His emotions are openly expressed, making it easy for others to understand how he feels.

  2. She never hides her emotions; she wears her heart on her sleeve.

    Her emotional expressions are clear and visible, indicating she is open about her feelings.

  3. Despite his tough exterior, he wears his heart on his sleeve and is very sensitive.

    Despite appearing tough, he openly shows his emotions, indicating vulnerability and sensitivity.

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