[Idiom] CROSS MIND. - Unlock the Secrets to Spontaneous Ideas and Creativity

Cross mind.

Cross mind.

/krɔs maɪnd/

Think of something suddenly.

To "cross mind" means that a thought or idea suddenly comes into one’s consciousness unexpectedly. This idiom captures the spontaneous nature of human thought and the random connections our minds often make. For instance, remembering a friend’s birthday all of a sudden or suddenly having a breakthrough idea for a work project are examples of thoughts that might cross your mind. Understanding this idiom helps in appreciating the unpredictable yet often insightful nature of our thinking processes, encouraging an openness to sudden inspiration in everyday life.

Example Sentences

  1. Did it ever cross your mind to ask her?

    This questions whether someone considered asking another person as a possibility.

  2. That idea didn't even cross my mind.

    The speaker states that the thought of a particular idea didn't occur to them at all.

  3. Sometimes solutions cross our minds when we least expect them.

    This highlights scenarios where unexpected solutions or ideas suddenly become apparent.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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