[Slang] FULL THROTTLE. - Explore Expressions for Maximum Effort and Speed

Full throttle.

Full throttle.

/fʊl ˈθrɒtl/

At maximum speed or effort.

Going "full throttle" means to operate at maximum speed or effort. Originally derived from aviation and motor terminology, where it describes the highest possible engine speed, it has transcended into everyday language to signify giving anything your all. For example, if someone is working very hard on a project, you could say they are going "full throttle." It's a vivid way to describe intense dedication or speed in any context.

Example Sentences

  1. He went full throttle on the project and finished in record time.

    He dedicated himself completely to the project and completed it very quickly.

  2. The car is going full throttle down the freeway.

    The car is being driven at its maximum speed.

  3. Once he decides to do something, he’s always full throttle, no stopping him.

    He commits fully and intensely to whatever he decides to pursue.

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