[Slang] CATCH MY DRIFT? - Learn How to Confirm Understanding in English

Catch my drift?

Catch my drift?

/kætʃ maɪ drɪft/

Understand what I mean?

'Catch my drift?' is a rhetorical question in slang used to ask if someone understands or follows what has been said. It stems from the nautical term 'drift,' referring to the course of a ship. In conversational English, this phrase is often used to ensure that the listener is following the speaker's line of thought, especially during more abstract or complex discussions. Using this phrase can make conversations smoother and more engaging, helping to maintain clarity and mutual understanding.

Example Sentences

  1. Do you understand what I'm saying, catch my drift?

    The question is checking if the listener understands the implications or subtleties of what is being said.

  2. If you listen closely, you might catch my drift.

    This suggests that paying attention might help the listener understand the underlying message.

  3. I'm not sure if you're following me here, catch my drift?

    An expression of uncertainty about whether the listener is understanding the points being made.

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