Bite off more than you can chew.
Bite off more than you can chew.
「Bite off more than you can chew」係形容一個人試圖做超過自己能力範圍嘅事。想像你去餐廳餓到不行,於是點了一大堆食物,但最後發現自己根本食唔晒。喺香港,如果有人自評過高,嘗試接受過於艱鉅嘅挑戰,我哋可以用呢個成語來形容佢嘅情況。這種情況喺生活中常常發生,例如工作、學業或其他活動。認識此成語,有助我哋評估自己嘅能力,並提醒我哋要實事求是,唔好自尋煩惱,避免過度負荷嘅壓力。
He bit off more than he could chew by taking on that huge project alone.
Joining three clubs in addition to a full course load means Sarah might have bitten off more than she can chew.
Trying to manage the new client's expectations on top of his regular workload was like biting off more than he could chew.