Have a leg to stand on.
Have a leg to stand on.
喺爭論或辯論中,香港人會講「講唔倒」嚟形容一個人嘅論點非常有力,無法被推翻。英文中嘅「Have a leg to stand on」有相似嘅含義,指的是擁有足夠的證據或理由來支持自己嘅立場。如果你喺討論中有充分嘅理據支持你嘅觀點,你就可以說自己「有腳站得住」。這種表達方式喺工作、學術甚至日常生活嘅辯論中都非常有用。比如喺辦公室裡,當你提出一個計劃同需要同事支持嗰時,如果你嘅理由夠充分,他們就更有可能信服。因此,準備好充足嘅資料同理由,是促進有效溝通同達成共識嘅關鍵。
He simply doesn't have a leg to stand on in this argument.
Their accusations had no evidence; they had no leg to stand on.
In the debate, it became clear that without actual data, their argument had no leg to stand on.