Know which way the wind is blowing.
Know which way the wind is blowing.
「Know which way the wind is blowing」係一句描述識得觀察及判斷當前情況或趨勢嘅成語。喺香港,可以用「知道風向」來比喻。例如喺商業環境中,一個聰明嘅商人需要知道行業嘅最新動向,從而做出正確嘅商業決定。「Know which way the wind is blowing」可以幫助我哋喺生活或工作中更好咁預測並應對未來可能出現嘅問題。這個成語提醒我哋要保持警覺,留意周圍嘅變化,正如船長需要知道風向,以便調整船隻航向一樣。
He's waiting to know which way the wind is blowing before he votes.
The manager didn't announce his decision right away; he wanted to know which way the wind was blowing among his team members first.
In politics, it's crucial to know which way the wind is blowing; hence politicians conduct surveys before making important decisions to gauge public opinion.