Put one over on.
Put one over on.
「Put one over on」係一個常用嚟形容欺騙或詐騙別人嘅英文成語。例如喺香港,一個生意人如果用不誠實嘅手段去誤導客戶,就可以話佢試圖「Put one over on」客戶。呢個成語提醒我哋,喺日常交流同商業活動中要保持警覺,小心那些可能嘗試欺騙嘅人或情況。了解呢個成語就可以幫助你識破可能嘅詐騙行為,從而保護自己唔受損失。
He thought he could put one over on his teacher, but she saw through his excuses.
She tried to put one over on us with a fake ID, but we knew immediately.
Attempting to put one over on the experienced investor was a bold, albeit foolish, move.