Live and let die.
Live and let die.
「Live and let die」本意涉及生與死的選擇,但在日常英語中,這個短語常被用來形容接受無法改變的事實或放棄某些爭取不來的事情。它教導我們在無法控制的情況下,學會放手。例如,如果企業決定關閉一個無法盈利的部門,員工可能就需要「live and let die」,接受這一現實。這個短語可用來勉勵人們面對生活中的困難選擇和挑戰,學會在逆境中堅持自己的生活哲學。
It was clear they both had a live and let die attitude towards their differences.
Adopting a live and let die mantra, she continued focusing on her goals.
Their relationship was based on a live and let die agreement, with neither interfering in the other's choices.