[Idiom] ALL'S FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR. - Navigate Tricky Situations with This Classic Saying

All's fair in love and war.

All's fair in love and war.

/ɔlz fɛr ɪn lʌv ənd wɔr/

In certain situations, any type of behavior is acceptable.

All's fair in love and war" suggests that in certain extreme situations (like romance or conflict), traditional rules of conduct do not apply, and many actions are justifiable. This might be used to describe scenarios where people might go to great lengths to win someone's affection or achieve victory in competition, disregarding the usual etiquette.

Example Sentences

  1. She stole his boyfriend, but all's fair in love and war.

    Her act of taking his boyfriend was justified by the belief that extreme actions are permissible in romance and conflict.

  2. They spied on each other's companies; all's fair in love and war.

    Corporate espionage was deemed acceptable due to the competitive nature of their businesses.

  3. He used some sneaky tactics to win her heart, because all's fair in love and war.

    He resorted to cunning strategies to win over the woman he loves, justified by the idea that such measures are fair in romantic pursuits.

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