[Idiom] FALL ON DEAF EARS. - How to Describe Being Ignored Effectively

Fall on deaf ears.

Fall on deaf ears.

/fɔːl ɒn dɛf ɪərz/

To be ignored or disregarded.

The saying "fall on deaf ears" is used when suggestions, pleas, or advice are completely ignored. It gives the picture of speaking into ears that cannot hear — rendering the effort ineffective. This idiom is particularly resonant in social, political, or personal contexts where important messages or requests are overlooked or actively disregarded.

Example Sentences

  1. His warnings about the project risks fell on deaf ears.

    - His cautions regarding the project's potential issues were ignored.

  2. Her advice often falls on deaf ears among her colleagues.

    - Her colleagues generally ignore her suggestions.

  3. Despite repeated warnings, his concerns kept falling on deaf ears in the company.

    - The company consistently ignored his repeated warnings.

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