Get down to brass tacks.
Focus on practical details.
Get down to brass tacks" means to start discussing, dealing with, or focusing on the most essential and practical aspects of something. This expression likely originated from the upholstery business where brass tacks were used to fasten materials. Today, it’s used to encourage a focus on the core aspects of a situation or project without getting sidetracked by less important details.
Example Sentences
Let's get down to brass tacks and figure out the solution.
Let's address the essential details to find a solution.
When planning the event, they decided it was time to get down to brass tacks and finalize the guest list.
While planning the event, they decided to focus on finalizing the guest list.
In the meeting, after some initial small talk, the boss urged everyone to get down to brass tacks and discuss the quarterly earnings report.
In the meeting, after small talk, the boss urged focus on discussing the quarterly earnings report.