[Idiom] HAVE A COW. - How Not to Overreact in Stressful Situations

Have a cow.

Have a cow.


Originating from the animated exclamation 'have a cow', often used in classic cartoons, this phrase means to overreact or respond too emotionally. The vivid imagery of 'having a cow' exaggerates the level of the reaction, making it clear that the reaction is more than what the situation warrants. It’s especially applicable in situations where keeping a cool head is more beneficial.

Example Sentences

  1. Don't have a cow, it's just a scratch on the car.

    Don't get overly upset, it's just a minor scratch on the car.

  2. She had a cow when she saw her ruined wedding dress.

    She got very upset when she saw her ruined wedding dress.

  3. My parents had a cow when they discovered I had failed my exams.

    My parents got very upset when they found out I had failed my exams.

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