[Idiom] TAKE A RAIN CHECK. - Why Postponing Plans Can Be a Strategic Move

Take a rain check.

Take a rain check.

/teɪk ə reɪn tʃɛk/

Postpone a plan.

The idiom "take a rain check" originates from baseball, where spectators were given a "rain check" ticket to attend another game if the one they planned to see was rained out. Today, it metaphorically means to postpone an invitation or plan. For example, if someone is invited to a concert but is unable to attend due to a conflicting schedule, they might say, "I'll take a rain check," implying they would like to go at another time. This phrase is useful for maintaining relationships by expressing interest in participating at a later date, even when immediate participation isn't possible.

Example Sentences

  1. Sorry, can I take a rain check on our dinner tonight?

    The person is asking to reschedule their dinner appointment due to other commitments or changes in their schedule.

  2. He took a rain check on the meeting, as he had unexpected guests.

    He is postponing his attendance at the meeting because he needs to attend to his unexpected guests instead.

  3. Due to a family emergency, I need to take a rain check on our plans for the weekend.

    The individual is requesting to reschedule their weekend plans because a family emergency has arisen.

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